Ios Hackstore

The HackStore is the epitome of Cydia for iOS, but on a Mac OS. It allows you to easily install and update Applications that are not allowed in the regular Appstore.

Apr 06, 2012. Apr 05, 2012.

The developers, a russian team, claim to not allow piracy apps 'forever and ever'. So far there are only free applications available and no information about future payment methods.
Hackstore ios no jailbreakIos hacked store
The interface is very similiar to the regular App-Store though currently very unresponsive. The software library has only a few titles so far and includes some that are available on the regular App-Store as well.

To use the HackStore with Mountain Lion you have to disable the Gatekeeper security feature since the application is not signed by any official developer.
Ios Hackstore

Last Updated: September 17th, 2018

HackStore, which is a Cydia like alternative for Mac is now available for a download.Users now can download unapproved Mac OS X apps and tweaks from the Store.The HackStore will work on principal “No piracy apps here, forever and ever“ and hence the Store will not have any pirated and illegal stuffs.

Developer Andrey Fedotov has given HackStore an official Mac App Store Interface.The Store will be supplemented and updated with the built-in upgrade which will enable users to upgrade to the latest version of the apps.Users will have to create an Account to log in to the Store which can be done easily.

HackStore will be useful to developers who are unable to submit their apps to Mac App Store due to restrictions by Apple.

Hack Store Ios 2019

Download Mac OS X HackStore

Hackstore Ios No Jailbreak


Ios Hacked Store

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